Dear Referee,


Please note the following.

All match reports, including copies of the team sheets/substitutes should be sent to the County Secretary @ and the Fixtures Committee @

If the referee cannot email the report, my home postal address is detailed at the bottom of this email.

If there is any injury to be reported, please also send a copy of the report and team sheet /substitutions to the Injury Fund Co-ordinator, Marian Crowley @

A copy can also be posted to Marian Crowley, Dunboy, Dromree, Macroom, Co Cork P12TK22

If needed to be referred to CODA, email to within 48hrs of the match with a copy of the report and team sheets/substitutes.

Note, under LGFA rule 447, it states that a match report must submitted and under 448 states in the absence of a referee report, CODA has the power to investigate infringements of the rules that may have occurred – thus it’s very important all referees submit a match report for each game.

For ease of reference, rule 447 & 448 quoted below.

  1. The referee shall forward team lists, and a detailed report of the match, either electronically or by post, to the committee, Board or Council in charge of the fixture, showing:

(a) The final and half time score

(b) The time the teams took the field

(c) The time that the match commenced

(d) The attire of players and note the number of the player(s) not wearing the correct attire

(e) The names of any players cautioned or ordered off and the reasons. Specific details and exact nature of the offence committed and in cases of verbal abuse, the exact words used must be reported

(f) The names of any players injured or any other information s/he deems relevant

(g) The names of substitutes used during the course of the game

(h) Any other incidents or breach of rules that took place However, if a disciplinary matter arises the report shall be forwarded to the relevant CODA within 48 hours of the incident.

  1. Where the referee fails to forward a report of a game, the relevant CODA shall have the power to investigate infringements of the rules that may have occurred, and call witnesses who attended the game.
Please find useful links below for anyone interested in becoming a referee.